The Purchasing Performance Audit seeks to:


Identify if your company is doing good business in the Brazilian market;

Identify new business possibilities for your company in Brazil;

Provide your company with information about the Brazilian market.




Provide a reliable way of evaluating your purchasing results in Brazil

Data analysis of purchasing results in the Brazilian market;

Macroeconomic analysis of the Brazilian market;

Macroeconomic analysis of the sectorial market in Brazil.


Find the best available price/quality ratio in Brazil

Identify, list and contact suppliers in Brazil;

Quotation and comparison of prices, quantities and specifications to identify potential negotiation opportunities.


Find alternative sources (suppliers) in Brazil

Identify and list new Brazilian potential exporters for your products;

Identify and list Brazilian potential exporters that already sell to your country;

Identify and list Brazilian potential exporters interested in selling to your country;

Check the exporter's experience in the international market;

Check the exporter's compliance policy;

Credit analysis of the exporter;

Tax analysis of the exporter;

Legal analysis of the exporter.